
Added Brand Colouring to Widget

Daniel Nethersole
2 years ago

We've updated the widget code to now use the brand accent colour specified in the design options.

This means your brand colour will be represented on both the widgets and the main website.


Added Microsoft Teams Support

Daniel Nethersole
3 years ago

We've added the ability to get notified about new comments & suggestions via Microsoft teams.

To set it up simply go to your settings and then click 'Notifications' and add in your Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook URL

Added Fixed

Several Smaller Fixes

Daniel Nethersole
3 years ago

We've posted several smaller fixes including

- Fixed event where the subscribe button showed even if it was disabled (and resulted in an error)
- Fixed a null point exception on the JS embed in some rare cases

We've also added LiveChat support in case you need it!

Added Fixed

Fixes & Smaller Changes

Daniel Nethersole
3 years ago

Hey, sorry for that bit of hiatus there. We've pushed out an update today that focuses on various bug fixes, including getting a message about 'deleting' when viewing suggestions.

We've also added the ability to return items in the Changelog back to draft as per a user request.

We've got more coming over the next few weeks so do get your suggestions in!


New Localisation Options

Daniel Nethersole
3 years ago

Parlez-vous français?

Or any other language, for that matter?

We've added custom fields for much of the key wording we use across your changelog.

This means you can now translate most part of ChangeCrab into any language you wish within a few minutes.

This feature is available on the free package and was a user suggestion from a customer (thanks, Paul!) Please head over to the suggestions page to make and vote on any suggestions!

Keep in mind that for now, the app itself and admin settings are still in English, but we'll look into popular languages for the backend in the future!

You could also use this feature as a branding / tone exercise to change the standard words we use for terms more fitting of your brand or team!
Added Changed

More Suggestion Control

Daniel Nethersole
3 years ago

Today we've rolled out more control over your suggestion system.

Optional Downvotes

Firstly is the ablity to turn of down voting. Down voting is useful in the majority of cases as it allows users to reject ideas which they think might interfer with how they use your software, but we understand some may want to focus only on positive requests. You can turn this off per-project in the project settings.

To ensure no ones votes are lost, if you enable this setting previous down votes remain but users will not be able to downvote any further.

Admin Only Suggestions

We've also added the option to disable user suggestions entirely. This means only admins can create the suggestions, but users remain with the ablity to upvote and comment. We've added this as some people would like to limit feedback to what they have in their roadmap and thus allow them to proritise currently planned features.


New Feature: Identify

Daniel Nethersole
3 years ago

On the back on yesterday's launch of Suggestions we've today launched the ablity for you to automatically log your users into your project page. This means your users won't have the friction of having to login / sign up to a whole new site and makes the entire process a lot more seamless. It works regardless of if you host your project on a custom domain or your own domain!

It just takes a couple of lines of javascript, and can be setup in minutes. Give it a try with ChangeCrab - click your avatar and then click suggestions and see that you are automatically logged in.

To setup: Go to your project settings and click the identify link on the side navigation. From here you'll get your unique embed code to add to your site.

New Feature: Suggestions

Daniel Nethersole
3 years ago

Hey everyone.

We've been working on a feature for ChangeCrab: User Suggestions

This is a big one! It lets you create a suggestion page to run alongside your changelog where your users can share and vote on product changes and suggestions.

We've integrated both the changelog and suggestions page together as much as we can, and we've tried to focus on power, simplicity and ease of use. We'll be adding more features soon, but we've launched with what we consider the most important: Sorting, approvals, teams and the ability to toggle guest posting.

We'll be busy adding new features to the suggestions page over the coming weeks. If you've got a suggestion for this or for anything else, check out our own page. We've turned on guest suggestions, so there's no login required!

We've said the word suggestions a lot in this post, and now it's starting to sound wierd...

This an optional feature, so it's turned off by default - you can enable it for each of your changelogs in your settings.
Added Changed

New Feature: Filters & Search

Daniel Nethersole
3 years ago

When your users are looking through their changelog there is often a time in which they might be trying to find out about a particular update or feature - or maybe they are interested in a certain topic such as when you've launched a new feature?

Today we're happy to announce the addition of filters & search. This is an optional feature that you can turn off a per-change log. With filters & search, you get... well filters based on categories and a search box to search through your changelog.

Because we offer custom categories - even to our free users - you have a lot of flexibility in how you use this tool. For example, if you have multiple products on the same changelog, you can set each product up as a custom category and use one 'master' changelog while your users can easily filter to view only the products they need to know about!
Added Changed

Added Option to Show Creator

Daniel Nethersole
3 years ago

We've added the ablity to optionally show who created the post - this is great for smaller companies who want to show their team, and useful for private logs to understand who did want.

As this feature changes a privacy setting it is default of off for current users, but you can enable it in your changelog settings by selecting "Show Creator".

Be aware posts made before this change did not store creator name so will simply state Product Name Team.
Added Changed

New Widget, Private Logs, Header Links & More

ChangeCrab Team
3 years ago

New Widget

We've changed the widget so you now have two options for embedding. First is the traditional inline embed option, but also you now have a full height slide

Private Changelogs

We've now introduced the ability to have private changelogs. Private changelogs are only accessible by you and your team by logging into your ChangeCrab account and do not have a publicly accessible URL. You can setup the new widget in your changelog settings.


With the introduction of Private Changelogs we’ve also introduced notifications. You can toggle notifications on for any of you or your teams’ changelogs and then get notified when a new item has been added. 

Header Links

We've also introduced the ablity for you to set your post headers to go to a given URL. For example you might want to link the header of your post to the dashboard page with a new feature, or maybe to a help document about the changes.

Smaller Changes

- We've moved the save, publish and close buttons to be fixed, making it easier to access when editing longer posts
- We've cleaned some CSS up, and redesigned several elements for better looking UI
- We've moved the subscribe form into a clickable button on the public reporting pages

Added Changed

Social Media Linking & Design Changes

ChangeCrab Team
3 years ago

We've now added the ablity for your users to share your latest changelog items to either Twitter or Facebook.

This change will mean your changes can get even more noticed by customers and none customers alike.

This is an optional feature and you can toggle it in your control panel. By default it is on.

We've also improved the design of the changelog page by bringing the subscribe button into the main toolbar.

Finally we've improved how your page looks when shared, and if an image is present in your changelog it is used as the sharing image on the social media platforms.

You can add alerts, such as notifications on if you're product has important breaking changes
Added Changed

New Changelog Editor

ChangeCrab Team
3 years ago

We want to make editing your changelog as easy as possible and with that in mind today we're happy to annouce a complete revamp of our changelog editor. We've moved to a medium-type editor with great new features including

  • Drag and drop images right into the editor
  • Stylistic options such as headers and bullet points
  • A what you see is what you get editor

We've also pushed live the ablity to set posts as drafts before going live. This means you can ensure your post is perfect before any email notifications are sent.

Finally we've added some design polish to the changelog pages, and the backend, including unifying the settings control panel.


Added Email Notifications

ChangeCrab Team
3 years ago

We've added email notifications to the system so that now users can subscribe to receive an email when you've made a new change. This is an optional feature that has to be enabled in your control panel (where you can also manage subscribers)

Image Alt

In all our plans you can have unlimited number of subscribers. All emails are sent out with an easy unsubscribe to ensure only users who want your emails will receive them.

If you have a custom domain enabled your email will link back to that.


Added Changelog URL :D

ChangeCrab Team
3 years ago

Added the changelog URL on your changelog admin panel to make it easier to get the URL and share it with others. This URL will depend on if you have a custom domain setup or not. :)

Changed Fixed

Improved CSS Load Time

ChangeCrab Team
3 years ago

Removed and minamised the CSS on the page to improve the load time on your change log.


Feedback Added

ChangeCrab Team
3 years ago

We've added the ability for you to gather feedback from users in the form of a simple 'happy' or 'unhappy' emoticon. From this you can gather what your users really care about - plus it gives the team a little emotional joy!


Twitter Intergration

ChangeCrab Team
3 years ago

We've added a twitter intergration meaning you can now automatically post your change log items onto your twitter account. You can add as many twitter accounts as required in your team settings - and from there add them as a notification option per changelog.


Custom Domains Added

ChangeCrab Team
3 years ago

Today we've introduced the ability to use a custom domain on any changelog. We've included this feature for both our free and paid users. With a custom domain you are able to host your changelog on your own URL, while still enjoying all the features of ChangeCrab